Akhirnya trailer resmi pertama dari film paling ditunggu Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol dirilis. ya 2 hari lalu trailer resmi Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol atau MI IV beredar di internet. Aku terkejut ketika saya melihat video ini di Youtube. Video ini Trailer memiliki lebih dari 1 Juta Views hanya dalam 2 hari. itu bukti bahwa semua orang di dunia sedang menunggu film ini.
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How’s your opinion for the Trailer of Mission Impossible Ghost protocol? It seems this will be a worth watching films on December this years.
Tom Cruise was back as Agent Ethan Hunt for this Upcoming Mission Impossible Movies, along with a supporting cast including Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Josh Holloway, Tom Wilkinson, Paula Patton, Léa Seydoux and Michael Nyqvist. Producer J.J. Abrams crafted the story with Cruise, and writers André Nemec and Josh Applebaum (both of “Alias”, “Life on Mars”) penned the screenplay.
Wow i can’t wait to watch this Movies on December 16 this years. let’s wait for the second trailer of this MI IV.